

I provide advice on surviving bushfire by first assessing the exposure of an individual property then considering the type of vegetation involved, the effect of terrain on wind direction and speed at the property, the survivability of a dwelling and how it is likely to be attacked and whether to stay and defend or leave for an ostensibly safer place if threatened.

Observations and opinion

Since 2014 I've been publishing my observations and views on wildfire management — or bushfire if preferred — Bushfire - fact, fiction and other information relevant to living with bushfire in Australia. Past postings can be found in the index at the right side of the blog.

My original objective with the blog was to raise bushfire knowledge and assist Victorians seeking approval to build in a bushfire prone area. It did not take long for me to realise that state government and some councils only reinforce bushfire mythology, neglect their fire prevention responsibilities and fail to implement a full PPRR risk management approach to mitigating bushfire, shortcomings proven in the devastation of Wye River–Separation Creek on Christmas Day 2015, Yarloop, WA, on 7 January 2016 and elsewhere since.

The most recent blog posting, Tuesday, 24 October 2023 Bushfire and terror I begin to explore the role of fear of bushfire in the community and its impact on emergency management, particularly evacuation.


Format being developed.


To contact John Nicholson:

email: j.nicholson@communitysafety.com.au

telephone: 0408 134 494